3 Key Basics of Online Security
3 Key Basics of Online Security
In an age where most things are done online, the convenience of this has boosted these channels for business, entertainment, and social life. The cloud and the capabilities that this has brought with it are undeniable, but the capability to access data and communicate for business across the globe has also opened up numerous avenues for cybercriminals to access your data.

This, in turn, has led to the increase in cyber-crime to the extent that the Australian Cyber security center recorded a total of 160 cyber crimes per day. Costing over AUS $634 Million in 2019. Australia is a growing target based on the levels of connectivity, the relative wealth of the population, and the growing number of online transactions. Although scams and fraud are high on the list of cyber-attacks, ransomware is the most popular type of cybercrime in Australia and the region as a whole.

Security is a key consideration for everyone and for every device, and there are a few simple things that you can do to ensure that you have protected yourself as best as can be.

1. Anti-virus Software
Anti-virus software works to detect, isolate and quarantine viruses or malicious software from your laptop or computer as well as from handheld smart devices. Once inside and active, malware can harm your devices and most commonly corrupt or allow others access to steal your data. Modern antiviruses come as part and parcel of the hardware and initial software package and are automatically updated and run to ensure that all virus definitions are up to date that the latest malware can be detected and removed before it is able to activate. This should be your first line of defense and must be updated and check regularly.
2. Passwords
Passwords are an additional security layer that makes it harder for specific attacks from scammers and cyber criminals to access your system and data. Your passwords must be strong and non-predictable. For example, it won’t help if you are an avid and open Lakers fan, displaying logos and paraphernalia on all your social feeds, and then go for lakers1234 as a password; anyone phishing or paying you any attention will figure it out, and then they’re in. Criminals use sophisticated automated systems and code to guess millions of combinations, and as such, a certain amount of thought must go into developing and constantly changing your passwords for access to the system, data, banking, and any other online transactions.
3. Password Management
Password management once you have a strong set of passwords, you need to manage this regularly. Having multi-factor authentication as well as on gong updates of passwords and using the available technology for biometric passwords will be important for sustainable cyber security.
These are the absolute minimum requirements in an age where data is as important as Gold. It is ill-advised to have anything less than what is detailed in this article. Additional layers of security will depend on the specific business requirements and the nature of the business.
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